The Ugandan Penal Code Chapter 120, under Section 145 regarding unnatural offences, states that  “Any person who has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature; or permits a male person to have carnal knowledge of him or her against the order of nature, commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for life.” The Ugandan legal system is even more lenient than the Mosaic Law because it simply issues life imprisonment for Sodomy instead of the death penalty. However, plans are underway to introduce the death penalty for “aggravated sodomy” under the new Anti-homosexuality bill tabled by the Ugandan legislator Hon. David Bahati. He is one of those legislators who truly deserve the Honorable title for his fight against homosexuality. This is a fight being resisted by various Western leaders due to the considerable political pressure they face from the vocal sodomite minorities in their electorates. A case in point is when one sodomite called Kato was killed by his homosexual partner in Mukono. Kato enticed the young victim with promises of visas, foreign travel, cars and money then engaged him in the outlawed practice. When the young man did not see the gifts forthcoming yet he had degraded himself to that level, he took a hammer and bludgeoned Kato to death. Presidents and government officials from the Western world sent condolences and regarded him as a martyr and hero. They pressed for a speedy trial for the murderer yet they have turned a blind eye to all other uncountable murders in Uganda. The same Western leaders like U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also put pressure on the Ugandan government to snuff out the Anti-homosexuality bill and our executive and cabinet was bullied into submission.
The reason why the abomination of homosexuality is coming out of the closets and onto the streets is because there is a demonic influence making preparations for the arch-homosexual. The prophetic book of Daniel describes the coming world leader of the new World Order, the Anti-Christ as one who will not regard “the desire of women” (Daniel 11:37).  The unclean spirits are laying the groundwork for the devil’s false messiah who will soon be unleashed to rain terror on the earth after the rapture of the born again Christians. That is why sodomites are brazenly holding massive annual “gay pride” parades in big cities like Sydney and New York. Some denominations such as the Church of England aka Anglicans aka Episcopalians have even appointed practicing sodomites like Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, whom they ordained bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire (U.S.A.) in 2004 to pastor their churches and lead their flock to “heaven”. The Catholic Church in the United States of America has owned up to sodomy among the ranks of its priests and paid over US$ 2 billion to victims. After a 9 year inquiry in Ireland, the Catholic Church owned up to and apologized for the sodomy and pedophilia in the ranks of their priests. Gay marriages are being performed with abandon and without any remorse. Musicians like Madonna and Elton John openly come out to publicly tout their homosexual lifestyles. Madonna went ahead to perform a mock wedding ceremony on stage with Britney Spears and passionately kissed her. I shudder to think about the kind of spirit being imparted into the listeners of their music. Some of these influential and moneyed sodomites are making recruitment inroads into Uganda’s schools, universities, government and churches.
The devil’s plan to make homosexuality acceptable has even permeated some of the most sacrosanct areas of Christian life such as Bible translations. The man appointed to be the Chairman of the Old Testament Committee of the New International Version (NIV) Committee on Bible Translation, Dr. Marten Woudstra, was a homosexual.  Also, Virginia Mollenkott, who worked as the stylistic editor for the translation, is a lesbian. Woudstra and Mollenkott sat on the NIV translation panel in 1968 at Palos Heights, Illinois (U.S.A.) and deleted the “offensive” references to their abominable vice. That is why whenever the King James Version (KJV) accurately translates the Hebrew word “qadesh” as “sodomites”, the NIV uses the phrase “male shrine prostitutes” as exemplified in Deuteronomy 23:17 and 1 Kings 14:24. In the Episcopal magazine, Witness (June 1991, pp. 20-23), Mollenkott admits, “My homosexuality has always been a part of me…” That shows us that the devil is even working behind the scenes through corrupted Bibles to make homosexuals secure in their sin and rob Bible believers of ammunition to attack the vice.
Those who sympathize with sodomites do not know that the devils behind sodomy are mounting a frontal attack on the monogamous heterosexual family unit ordained by God in Genesis. Sodomy derails the reproductive process in a heterosexual marriage that ultimately leads to multiplication of human beings made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26). Satan obviously hates to see more human beings made in God’s image since they remind him of his doom. It is not surprising that the AIDS epidemic first emerged in the early 1980s in American cities where the gay communities were strongest and most visible. The majority of the AIDS victims were gay men. This is what the Bible describes as the due penalty of their errors (Romans 1:27). It was in the aftermath of the AIDS epidemic wiping out a sizeable chunk of the American gay community that the “safer sex” movement emerged. Gays expose themselves to unending health woes that arise from anal intercourse and “fisting” such as anal fissures, rectal prolapse (protrusion of the internal organs) and hemorrhoids. Some victims of sodomy have reported untold mental trauma, passing blood, inability to eat certain foods and inability to lift heavy loads. Obviously this expels the notion that they are “gay” or happy. 
God hates the sin of sodomy but still loves the sinner and desires them to repent. No one is born a homosexual; it is a work of the flesh propelled by demons to enslave the unwary practitioners. Homosexuality is not a disease and does not simply yield to rehabilitation or counseling. It is an abominable vice that has to be repented of to God. If you are caught up in this vice, get on your knees, surrender your life to Jesus Christ and ask God to forgive you right now (1 John 1:9). In many cases those who have engaged in sodomy will require deliverance to have the homosexual demons expelled out of them. If you are an impartial casual or sympathetic observer you should get out of that comfort zone and attack this vice that is eating up the core and fiber of our society. In the words of Edmund Burke (1729-1797), “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”