A great tragedy struck this nation at the same time that the 2010 World Cup finals were being played. As a church leader I surely mourn with those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. However the church at large needs to learn a lesson from this tragedy and also find a way forward. As we look back at this 7-11 tragedy where bombs were detonated in Kampala by supposed Islamic al-Shabaab jihadists killing 76 people, we have to realize what the devil is trying to accomplish through this. First of all this is a fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy that tells us that in the last days evil men shall grow worse and worse (2 Timothy 3:13). The prophecy also tells us that these evil men are operating blindly under a veil of deception. According to the Quran, all Muslims who kill “infidels” or Christians shall enjoy over 4 virgins and plenty of wine in “jana” or Mohammed’s “heaven”. This is one of the lies propounded by the Quran which is a sham in itself to begin with and largely came from Mohammed’s imagination punched with satanic inspiration. I surely love all Muslims in this nation and in Somalia as well, but I do not love the false doctrines taught under the guise of “religion” where terrorism against Christians receives great rewards from Allah, Mohammed’s god. Mohammed’s Allah in the Quran is intolerant and encourages Muslims to execute unbelievers saying, “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting and removing off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world ” Koran 5:33. Our response as believers is not to hate Muslims but love them enough to show them the truth from the Bible where Jesus encourages us to love our enemies, turn the other cheek and live at peace with all men (Matthew 5:39). The wanton murder of innocent lives of non-combatants is a proof that we are living in the last days and Jesus is about to return.
Another significant Biblical prophecy that Jesus Christ gave concerning the last days is that we shall have, “upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; …Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth”(Luke 21:25-26). The bomb blasts surely wrapped a cloak of distress, perplexity and fear over Uganda. This scripture describes exactly what happens when a terrorist event of such a magnitude takes place. All of a sudden the panic levels have risen so high that even a supermarket or church will start checking those entering with metal detectors. This is the devil’s original plan since he knows that he can destroy more people with a spirit of fear than with a bomb blast. Many people think that this level of fear is “healthy” and can prevent further terrorist attacks. However according to the Bible fear is the devil’s best tool of wrecking destruction in people’s lives. Many preachers have come up with various reasons as to why Job suffered the loss of his wealth, family and health. The Bible explains that these calamities came upon Job because he feared that these things would happen. In Job’s own words he said, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me” (Job 3:25). Contrary to what many preach, fear is what actually brought destruction from the devil into Job’s life. As a believer it is your duty to resist the spirit of fear in this season since it comes straight from the devil. The scriptures clearly show us that God is not the one who gives us the spirit of fear thus we can safely conclude that fear comes from the devil (2 Timothy 1:7). Demons of fear begin to take root in many believer’s and unbeliever’s lives after such tragedies thus providing an easy conduit for further destruction in their lives by demonic forces. In God’s Kingdom we receive everything by faith including health, wealth, wisdom, protection and favor. Conversely in the devil’s kingdom where his vision is to steal, kill and destroy, he uses the same principle but only twists the faith into fear. Fear of being blasted by a bomb is faith or trust in the ability of the devil to kill and destroy. Fear is the devil’s currency through which he dispenses all the destruction at his disposal into the lives of those who tolerate and voice their fear. As believers in Jesus we have to attack and resist the spirit of fear since God says that, “the fearful, and unbelieving… shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).
Take the time and effort to memorize scriptures like Psalms 91 and quote them continually and most especially when the devil tries to attack you with a wave of fear demons. Trust and confess God’s word that says that “nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). God promises you total protection from every scheme of the devil including terrorists. Our task is to resist the devil and love the Islamic jihadist perpetrators enough to pray for them and preach the gospel of Jesus’ love to them.