One of the most powerful tools of the believer is their testimony. Many believers think that testimony time in church is simply another item on the programme to while away the time during the service. However if they knew the power behind the word of their testimony they would wake up and rush to the front whenever the opportunity arose. The scriptures tell us that one of the ways in which we overcome the Devil is through our testimony, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY; and they loved not their lives unto the death”(Revelation 12:11). If you want to have consistent victory over the devil you should use the word of your testimony as a divine weapon.
When I was about to sit for my Senior 6 final UNEB  exams I activated my faith in Psalm 50:15 and told God that if he helped me excel then I would testify about it. Surely God did a great miracle and enabled me to excel in those exams when I scored 21 points in PEM/A (out of a possible 25 points). However I still missed my first choice course at Makerere University (MUK) which was Architecture. I got Surveying on government sponsorship. However before I sat for exams, the Uganda Chess Federation forwarded my name to the National Council of Sports and recommended me as an International Chess player. This was supposed to enable me to be awarded extra points as a sportsman at MUK. I had missed my first choice course by 1.1 points yet sportsmen were to be awarded 4 points. Unfortunately I was not given these points. When I went to make inquiries at the MUK Senate I was shown a letter from the head of the National Council of Sports who wrote that, “All those who have got a course on government sponsorship should NOT be added points as sportsmen.” This partly demoralized me but I pressed on in prayer and told God that if he would supernaturally intervene and enable me to get those extra points I would win for him one soul at MUK. God did a miracle and a week later I was informed that the senate had a special meeting and declared that I should be awarded those extra points. I was given Architecture on government sponsorship immediately. When I arrived at MUK I immediately set out to fulfill my vow and in the first 2 weeks I had won 10 first year students of Livingstone hall to Christ.
The next hurdle came in my final year at MUK when I was supposed to finish the course. It seemed that all hell had organized itself to make sure that I did not finish my course of Bachelor of Architecture. From the natural perspective I seemed to be doomed. However I knew the weapon of testimony. I still remembered how God had enabled me to supernaturally enter MUK and get my first choice course with government sponsorship. I decided to call upon God to deliver me in this time of trouble and I reminded Him how He had delivered me when I was entering the university. I declared that the same God who had moved in power to make me enter MUK would come through for me as I exited it. I placed my faith in God and he enabled me to complete the course successfully and graduate. The enemy was so furious that even after finishing the course he came in to stop me from graduating but I prevailed over him with God’s divine weapons. I graduated one year after my official time in January 2009. When I got my transcript from the same Senate building where I had come to request for the 4 points years back I could not help but realize how good God was to me and I thanked Him for it. Surprisingly when I was laminating my transcript it was almost burnt up by the laminating machine. The devil is a loser of losers. I finally have my transcript. God did it!
Many people know about the story of David and Goliath. However they do not know the secret that enabled a boy to kill a giant thrice his height. The secret lies in what David spoke to King Saul of Israel before he went for the battle, “And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him… David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:34-37). King Saul only spoke words of discouragement about the physical weakness of David and how Goliath had been a warrior from his youth. David never referred to his own strength but instead testified that God enabled him to kill the lion and the bear. He testified! He declared that the same God who delivered Him before would do it again. Put your trust in God in the challenge you are facing. Remember the ways in which he has delivered you in the past and testify about it in public. Give thanks to God for having delivered you on previous occasions in your prayer time with Him. When you testify your faith will rise up and Goliath will be defeated before you. Look upwards towards the one who brought you out of trouble before. He will do it again!