In my personal Christian walk, I can say one of the greatest facilitations to my rapid Christian growth was sitting at the feet of and learning from an apostle. I gave my life to Jesus Christ in 1999 when I was still at St. Mary’s College Kisubi, this was in my S.5. I was led to Christ by Apostle Peter Lukaaga who would sneak into school and preach the gospel to students. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ was strictly prohibited and fellowships were not allowed. Believers would only meet and encourage one another secretly. However, God had an Apostle who was willing do stand against all that persecution and penetrate the impenetrable to secure a harvest of souls for Jesus. I was one of the fish whom Jesus scooped out of the lake; incidentally our school was very near to Lake Victoria. Jesus fished me out under His ministry office of an Apostle, “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the APOSTLE and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus” (Heb 3:1). I was led to Christ and discipled closely by Apostle Peter. I used to avidly read the articles / epistles he would write and distribute to us at school. I can say that this was almost the only thing close to a “Bible Lesson” or Church Service that we had during the school term. I still have some of those articles till today and these were the foundational Apostolic doctrines that sustained me then and continue to sustain me to this day. I have traveled extensively with him and learnt a lot about missions and ministry in general simply because I availed myself to travel to Rwanda, Kenya and many other places with him. I am the product of an apostle but God never called me to be an Apostle simply because I was raised by an Apostle. God separated me from my mother’s womb and ordained me to be an Apostle to the nations. This was God’s personal call upon my life and has been confirmed by many respectable men of God in this nation.
It’s not your fault if you feel a bit disturbed by this message. The devil has been working overtime to make sure that he suppresses the Apostolic office because he knows the potential that will be released when the office of the Apostle is restored. The spirit of Babylon, the satanic world system has sought to destroy Apostles from the word go, “Rejoice over her (Babylon), thouheaven, and ye holy APOSTLES and prophets; for God hath AVENGED you on her” (Rev 18:20). One day God is going to avenge all who have partnered with the devil in standing against the office of the Apostle. That is how serious God considers those who neglect or despise the Apostolic office. I pray that you would not be among that number.
In closing, God has given supernatural revelation to the Apostles which enables them to fulfill the purpose of laying the foundation of the church. Apostle Paul writes to the church at Ephesus (the ones who had no doctrinal problems), “How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery. Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now REVEALED UNTO HIS HOLY APOSTLES and prophets by the Spirit” (Eph 3:3,5). The foundational doctrine or revelation was not given to the evangelists, pastors and teachers but to Apostles and prophets by none other than the Holy Spirit. If we still have the same Spirit, it means His methods have not changed. This mystery or hidden secret is given to the Apostles and Prophets. That is the reason God desires for you to sit and learn at the feet of an Apostle. Swallow your pride and align yourself with the Word of God. The reason why you experience the same spiritual emptiness day after day is because you have not been filled with Apostolic doctrine but with a counterfeit product prepared by the enemy. This day you have to make a choice to align yourself with the Apostolic ministry that God directs you to. Your spiritual life will grow by leaps and bounds, from addition to multiplication. You can rise up today and take the apostolic seal by force, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE” (Mat 11:12). You need to take the things of God forcefully, otherwise you will be trampled upon and bullied by the devil. Apostle Paul spoke specifically of a seal that was stamped upon every Christian who submitted to his Apostolic ministry, “If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the SEAL OF MINE APOSTLESHIP are ye in the Lord” (1Co 9:2). God desires for you to bear the Apostolic mark that the believers in Corinth bore so that you may step out into your divine destiny, fully equipped to do every good work. All it takes is diligently, deliberately, regularly and consistently sitting under the ministry of an Apostle and the Apostolic spirit will come upon you. When you listen to the words of an Apostle, read his or her books and attend his or her meetings, the Apostolic seal or spirit will come upon your life and launch you out into the greatest magnitude of your calling. “And THE SPIRIT ENTERED INTO ME WHEN HE SPAKE UNTO ME, and set me upon my feet” (Eze 2:2).