This is another wonderful opportunity to reveal the ministry of the Apostle by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Last time we looked at the basics of who an apostle really is and discovered that the word Apostle or “apostello” means one who is sent to a specific location to fulfill a specific assignment by a higher authority. This means that an apostle is one sent forth by God Himself with the full backing of the Spirit of God to fulfill a heavenly assignment on the earth.
            One of the primary functions of the Apostolic office is to lay the foundation for other ministries to build upon. Apostle Paul brings this out so clearly, “According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I HAVE LAID THE FOUNDATION, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon” (1Co 3:10). Apostle Paul points out that he laid the foundation for the church at Corinth and in many other churches. The reason why the churches planted by the Apostle Paul are different from the ones we see today is because the foundations are different. Not anyone can plan for and lay a foundation. A layman who knows nothing about buildings cannot adequately design a stable foundation. A house is only as good as it’s foundation. When the foundation is laid by an unskilled laborer, the building will collapse like a house of cards. Jesus Himself tells us about two foundations upon which a house may be built; a strong foundation and a weak foundation which will not stand, “He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and LAID THE FOUNDATION ON A ROCK: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that WITHOUT A FOUNDATION built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great” (Luk 6:48-49). When an Architect designs the foundation he takes into account many factors which a layman would ignore. Some of these include the soil type, moisture levels and nature of the building. If a doctor decides to design the foundation, the house will surely collapse just like the one Jesus described who without a foundation simply built his house upon the earth. When a Pastor does the work that the Apostle is supposed to do, the house will surely collapse.    
Another important revelation Apostle Paul mentions is that he has laid the foundation “as a wise MASTERBUILDER” (1 Co 3:10). The word masterbuilder is translated from the Greek word “architekton” which means a chief constructor or architect. This means that the Apostle does the work an architect does in the building design and makes sure that his pattern is followed to ensure comfort and safety of the occupants. The reason we have had a number of houses collapsing in Uganda in the recent months is because the supervisory role of the Architect was substituted with engineers and unskilled foremen who did not know how to implement the Architect’s design. This is not a matter to be taken lightly since tens of workers have been buried alive under these mainly multi-storied structures. Likewise many spiritual houses collapse when the wrong foundation is used. Apostle Paul again points out to the church at Ephesus what kind of foundation the church throughout all ages should be built upon. “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone” (Eph 2:19-20). The reason why we have many strangers and foreigners in the churches today is because the church was built upon the wrong foundation. A stranger is one who hops around from church to church and becomes a spiritual grasshopper who settles nowhere. For us to have true citizens who are committed to their churches, the true foundation of the apostles and prophets needs to be employed.
Before Kampala City Council (KCC) approves a certain building plan it must first see the stamp of a registered Architect on it. Even if the house was designed and drawn by an architectural student or a draughtsman, KCC will approve it because it knows that the Architect has evaluated it and found it worthy. Likewise, every church building plan that the heavenly council receives must first be stamped by an Apostle. Without the Apostle’s stamp, that congregation is merely a collection of strangers which is liable to be demolished by the mayor. A church can be planted by an Apostle working hand in hand with another minister in the five-fold offices i.e. Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. However, without the Apostle’s stamp, we merely have a city being designed by highly qualified doctors or “quack architects”. Even if the doctor gets a PHD, Masters or is even a Professor, the City Council will reject that plan. Even if the doctor operates in spiritual gifts like prophecy, healings and word of knowledge, the Council will still reject that plan. This shows us that man in cooperation with the devil has created a spiritual system which is contrary to God’s system and is actually an extended arm of the Babylonian system.