Apostle Edward Edifire Jesus bible God church preacher holy bible Christ prayer faith Jesus Christ

2022 is the year of DUNAMIS, DELIVERANCE and the rise of the DAY-STAR. DUNAMIS healing and miracle working power as DELIVERANCE is proclaimed to the captives and the light of the DAY-STAR rises in your heart.

This year 2022, Christ shall manifest in your life as the DUNAMIS miracle worker, the DELIVERER and the rising DAY-STAR.

DUNAMIS healing and miracle working power shall be manifested as you take your place in the dynamic duo. You and God shall make up the dream team as co-laborers to destroy the works of darkness and demolish strongholds. (1 Cor 3:9).
DELIVERANCE shall be decreed to the captives and the lost shall be drawn from the pit. The Church shall plunder the enemy’s camp.
The DAY-STAR shall arise and shine His light in your heart as a new dawn rises.

Jehovah Nissi the victorious warrior shall win every battle on your behalf.

This is a year of repositioning as every member of His army takes their rightful place.

The saints of the Most High are possessing the kingdom & inheritance prepared for them.

The creation shall know the glorious liberty of the children of God (Rom 8:21).

It is a year of accurate prayer that hits the mark.

The meek and humble shall be exalted but the proud shall be brought low.

The wealth of the wicked shall be transferred into the hands of the righteous


3 false prophets shall be exposed in Uganda. The Lord shall hang them out to dry.

A shift is taking place in Uganda in the realm of the spirit. The gods of the land shall be judged just as God judged the gods of the Egyptians. Demonic altars shall be overthrown.

Uganda parliament shall be invaded with a Holy Ghost revival & repentance.

A purge in the Ugandan gospel music industry. The Lord shall lift up the true worshippers.

The Lord shall set up a high platform for the true ministers of the gospel in Uganda. The disobedient ministers shall be de-platformed.

The Church in Uganda shall be tried almost to breaking point.

The handshake of unity between a section of the born-again Church and religion in Uganda is going to slip.

The Lord is streamlining the church in Uganda. Judgement shall begin in the house of God.



There is going to be a gold controversy in Uganda.

The Ugandan economy shall rise from the ashes. Businesses that have the Lord’s seal shall not be touched by the devourer.

A former presidential candidate in Uganda shall be arrested.

The Lord shall expose sodomy in the upper echelons of the national army.

The Lord shall expose high level corruption to the tune of over 1 billion Uganda Shillings in Uganda’s DR Congo adventure.



Mighty end time warriors are rising from the nation of Nigeria.

Niger, DRC & Cameroon- the people sitting in darkness shall see a great light

In the USA the judgment of God is coming upon the abortionists. The remnant of God in the USA shall take root downwards & bear abundant fruit upwards.

Malaysia – The Lord is shining His light and stirring up a revival. Immigrants in the land shall be used mightily.

Germany – The wells of Martin Luther’s revival & reformation shall be re-dug. They shall take their eyes off the help that comes from abroad & shall look to God above.

Francophone world – The spiritual eyes of the people in the francophone world shall be opened.

Many immigrants in the nations of the world who had originally gone with a money making mindset shall be turned into mighty missionaries.



I will cut off the wings of the United Nations

3 enemies shall rise up against the nation of Israel but the Lord shall crush them all.

There will be an invasion of Belarus.

Ethiopia- the guns shall fall silent. What the devil meant for evil shall be turned around for good. Ethiopia shall have a revival & shall lift up her hands to seek God.

A storm brewing in China.

The Iran oil war shall start.

There shall be a repeat of the Operation Unified Protector (NATO operation that attacked Libya and overthrew Gaddafi) this time targeting another African country.

There shall be Russian airstrikes in Ukraine.

Japan shall begin to exercise independence from US influence. Japan shall enter an Eastern alliance with China.

I saw the paper curtain hiding the mainstream media COV*D lies being pulled away and torn apart.

The Lord shall allow a situation to occur that will baffle the scientists. Many around the world shall drop their idols and shall rise to receive healing from Jesus Christ.

The Lord shall jab the jabbers with His mighty hand and shall judge those that are destroying mankind.



1 Corinthians 13:9

(9) For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

Even the great Apostle Paul wrote that he prophesied in part. Thus I leave it to individual Spirit filled believers to judge and take or leave the prophecies above. However the Bible also tells us not to despise prophesyings (1 Thes 5:20) and also to war a good warfare in prayer and confession to manifest the things God has spoken (1 Tim 1:18). Repentance can also lead to the turning away of negative predictions like how judgment was averted when the people in Nineveh chose to repent at the doomsday preaching of Noah (Jonah 3:5-10). I pray you have a fruitful and fulfilled 2022.

Apostle Edward Ssewanyana

Chairman Edifire Ministries,

Founder and General Overseer of Worldwide Apostolic Church