There is no lack of Anointing in the body of Christ. Neither is there any lack of willing laborers who are willing to go out into the harvest. The greatest point of need in the church today is financial need. A survey was conducted one time in a big preacher’s conference. Thousands of ministers were in attendance and they were asked two simple questions. The first question was asking about those who faced problems of sickness that hindered them from fulfilling their ministry assignment. Only two ministers raised their hands. The second question was posed asking which of them faced financial constraints in fulfilling their callings and the vision God had given them. The majority of the ministers raised their hands. This shows us that the greatest bondage in the body of Christ is not the bondage of sickness, unfaithfulness or laziness, rather it is lack of financial resources to get God’s job done. King Solomon, the richest man who ever lived, made an interesting observation in Ecclesiastes, “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but MONEY ANSWERETH ALL THINGS” (Ecc 10:19). Solomon never said that money answers just a few things, he said it answers all things.
There are three basic keys about wealth that I will share with you concerning wealth that every believer needs to know if they are to come out from under financial burdens and yokes. These three keys are part of the apostolic foundation which is supposed to be laid in the life of every believer. “According to the grace of God which is given unto me, AS A WISE MASTERBUILDER, I HAVE LAID THE FOUNDATION, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon” (1Co 3:10). Without this financial foundation, the rest of the building will eventually collapse.
Key 1: Recognise God As Your Source:
Many Christians assume that they recognize God as their source yet they do not. Merely having head knowledge about God being the provider is not enough to convince God that you have faith in Him. As James succinctly said, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (Jam 2:26). Many believers still look to this world’s system as their source of supply and totally get God out of the picture. Many individuals consider men as their source of supply and not God. In the book of Deuteronomy, Prophet Moses described two kinds of believers, the first who sees the world and his own might as his source and the second who sees God as His source, “And thou say in thine heart, MY POWER AND THE MIGHT OF MINE HAND HATH GOTTEN ME THIS WEALTH. But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: FOR IT IS HE THAT GIVETH THEE POWER TO GET WEALTH, that he may establish his covenant which he swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day” (Deu 8:17-18). The majority of the body of Christ lives in verse 17 where the job, government, parents, education or their own strength is their source of supply. You can tell such individuals by their response when they are about to be fired from their jobs. They will plead, beg and even give away their bodies to their bosses if only they can keep their jobs. They will accept to fulfill every evil scheme of their bosses such as adding zeros and balancing accounts that obviously do not balance. Many will even give bribes to company officials if only they can be given a job in the company. Some look up to their parents as if they are semi-gods. Such people will never think of praying or sowing a seed when they are in financial need, they will simply pick up their phones to call or SMS their parents or guardians. Others stake all they have on the government. They will fight for specific leaders to remain in power since they look up to the government as their source of supply. Their greatest dread is a change in the political setup since the government is their god. You should never hang on to any man so close that you cannot let go.
            One of the things that God detests most is idols. Some Christians think that since they no longer have any of the Maria and Saints statues in their homes that they have now been delivered from idols. There is no greater lie. An idol is not just a sculpture made with human hands, it can also be a person or a system. One of the greatest idols that we have in the church today is financial idols. Pastors and Evangelists idolize rich businessmen in their congregations and even provide special seating for them since they have began looking to them as their source. Committees start looking to patrons and donors as their source of supply. Sometimes spiritual leaders even take their congregations as their source. The Apostle John had something to say about this in his first epistle, “Little children, keep yourselves from IDOLS. Amen” (1Jo 5:21). He shows us very clearly that we should keep ourselves far from idols. Even Moses under the Old Covenant warned the Israelites that their God was very jealous and would not share affection with another, “For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a JEALOUS GOD” (Exo 34:14). Some believers cringe at the very mention of their bosses getting to know that they are born again. This shows that you are serving more than one master. If you fear to preach the gospel at your place of work you are not worthy of Jesus Christ who paid a great price for your redemption. If you fear being chased because you have a Bible on your desk, then you will surely remain in lack the rest of your life. Some preachers will even refrain from preaching specific messages because the chief thither in the church warned him that such messages offend him. Shame on you preacher if you forfeit your divine calling for the acceptance of a few shillings or dollars. Shame on you if you treat the rich men better than the poor ones, a habit that is clearly condemned in the scriptures, “My dear friends, don’t let public opinion influence how you live out our glorious, Christ-originated faith. If a man enters your church wearing an expensive suit, and a street person wearing rags comes in right after him, and you say to the man in the suit, “Sit here, sir; this is the best seat in the house!” and either ignore the street person or say, “Better sit here in the back row,” haven’t you segregated God’s children and proved that you are judges who can’t be trusted? Listen, dear friends. Isn’t it clear by now that God operates quite differently? He chose the world’s down-and-out as the kingdom’s first citizens, with full rights and privileges. This kingdom is promised to anyone who loves God. And here you are abusing these same citizens! Isn’t it the high and mighty who exploit you, who use the courts to rob you blind?”  (Jam 2:1-6). Racial or financial segregation in the church is strictly prohibited. It simply shows that you have made an idol out of the rich men and have began seeing them as your source and not God. You need to repent of these idols and renounce them. Submit to God and declare Him to be your source from this day forward.