I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I believe God has been doing great things in your lives and in the lives of those you impact.
As Worldwide Apostolic Church we are on the verge of celebrating our 7thAnniversary towards the end of this month (28/6/15). We cannot cease to thank God for the great things that he has been doing for the church, it’s members and partners. God has provided our church with a place to call home without the inconvenience of landlords on Plot 5 Erisa Road, Kiswa. We are now landlords of our own. I believe this same anointing is passing on to our partners since the anointing flows from the head (Ps 133:2). Many of our partners have testified of becoming landlords of land and houses. Surely the law of seed time and harvest is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Whenever you plant your financial seed in good ministry ground, the abundant harvest is guaranteed (Gal 6:7).
God has been using our ministry mightily to be a blessing in our community and beyond. One case in point is when I was called to pray for one of the residents of Kiswa who had been admitted to Naguru hospital. When we reached Naguru hospital together with two brethren from church, we found the lady whom I came to know as Jennifer lying on the bed and totally paralyzed. I did not know this at the time that I prayed for her healing but she told us her history in her testimony later on. She was admitted to the hospital 5 days prior because she had become totally paralyzed from her waist downwards. When she was brought to the hospital, the doctor got out a needle to test whether her paralysis was genuine. He covered her face and begun piercing her legs starting from the toes to the waist and she told him that she could not feel a single thing. Apart from the paralysis she was also diagnosed with high blood pressure. She had remained in that state till we met her. When we came into that ward I did not know that she had not walked in 5 days. I proceeded to preach the gospel to Jennifer and Beatrice, her sister who was her caretaker in the hospital. Beatrice recommitted her life to Jesus Christ and Jennifer was born again. I proceeded to share with her the healing scriptures and finally prayed for her healing. I recalled how Jesus Christ ministered to the paralytics and in the same style I commanded her to get off the bed and walk. Jennifer got off that bed and begun to walk and jump in the room. She was totally and completely healed. It reminded me of the scene in Jerusalem when the lame man walked at the gate of the temple, “And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God” (Acts 3:8). The commotion caused by her healing led to some staff members peeping from the doorway of the ward to know what was going on. Jesus healed Jennifer and demonstrated that He is still the same yesterday, today and forever. Jennifer was discharged from the hospital the following day and she has remained healed and a member of the church till this day.
The reason why I share this testimony is because there are so many “Jennifers” out there who need the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ to manifest in their lives. The only way we can be able to reach them is when faithful partners stand with us in the ministry to “send” us out into the harvest field (Rom 10:15). I thank all the faithful financial partners of the ministry who have stood with us and enabled God’s work to move forward. In March and April we held evangelistic crusades in Kiswa market and Bugolobi market that have yielded a tremendous harvest of souls. On the last day of the Bugolobi crusade, a woman who was running a bar in the market had to leave it and she came and gave her life to Jesus Christ. Your continued support for the ministry has enabled us to take the gospel to more and more people.
As a ministry we have a mandate to take the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide. To facilitate this divine endeavor we require an advanced technological means of reaching out to as many people as possible in our evangelistic crusades and missions. The means of accomplishing this task effectively is through the purchase of sound equipment. This equipment includes amplifiers, mixers, speakers and related accessories. This equipment shall be a tool for effectual evangelism. We received an invoice from a reputable supplier of sound equipment with the total figure coming to 18 million Uganda Shillings ($6,000). We believe that with this equipment we shall be able to hold evangelistic crusades that will address tens of thousands and populate heaven as we depopulate hell. This is also in line with our “Vision 3-13” where we intend to make 13,000 disciples and raise $3 million for the gospel.
As Worldwide Apostolic Church we introduced a Bible training programme called the “Apostolic Bible Course” which kicked off in March this year. This programme has already enrolled a substantial number of students who are taking the course for 6 months. The lessons have been ongoing every Sunday at 8:00am to 10:00am. This course seeks to equip ministers to an international level and make them fully equipped for the work of the ministry. This course is open to individuals from all denominations and guarantees that none of the graduates will be a punching bag for the devil a single day of their lives.
I have been approached time and time again by radio and television representatives who desire for our ministry to feature on their stations. I have had to turn them down pending further consultations and preparation. I believe the time is ripe for our ministry to launch out into full fledged radio and television ministry. Just like I promised the media representatives, I am now consulting you, our partner to know when we can embark on this venture. We already have hundreds of hours of audio recordings but for the television ministry we still require you to stand with us through cameras and lighting equipment to make worthy video recordings. The ball is in your court, partner.
We appreciate all our old and new partners who participated in our “Annual Prophetic Partners Dinner” in April at Fang Fang Chinese restaurant. The dinner was a great success both spiritually and physically. It was a physical/social success since our partners learnt how to eat with chopsticks. It was a spiritual success since our partners received personal prophecies that encouraged them and revealed God’s plan for their lives. During the dinner we inaugurated our Partnership Cards. In case you have not yet received the Partnership Card you can always contact our treasurers. The head of the Treasury Department is Mr. Julius Atukunda (0705864524) and he is being assisted by Ms. Esther Nakiranda (0703809927) and Ms. Faridah Nakyazze (0784110228). Our treasurers are also implementing our ministry policy of distributing spiritually uplifting materials to our partners in the form of Christian DVDs and Christian e-books by Dr. Myles Munroe. Feel free to contact them for your monthly gift. You can also get more information about the investment arm of the ministry and how you can participate through the treasurers.
Once again I appreciate every one of our faithful ministry partners whom the Lord has used to send His work forward through our ministry. You will not lose your reward. One secret I have learnt recently is that a number of prominent wealthy businessmen in Kampala actually support the gospel financially. These tycoons’ business interests range from hotels to poultry to fuel stations. Some are not even born again but they have learnt by experience that the best investment and stock you can buy is the gospel. With partnership you can’t go wrong!
I assure you that God has seen every challenge that you are passing through in your life and I prophesy that you will emerge victorious,
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalms 34:19).
May you experience an abundance of good health and total life prosperity in Jesus’ name!
Yours in Christ,
Chairman Edifire Ministries,
Founder &Apostle of Worldwide Apostolic Church
9thJune 2015
Kampala, Uganda
P.O. Box 5370,
Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.
Tel: +256783300741, +256712924378
Facebook: /edifire & /worldwideapostolic
Twitter: @edifire
E-mail: edifire@yahoo.com

