It was during my stay in SMACK that I made the greatest decision in my life which was to give my life to Jesus. I was born again in December 1999 in the dormitory of Kiwanuka under Apostle Peter Lukaaga. My stand in Christ has not been smooth sailing all the way. During school days we had undercover fellowships where we had to hide in pitch darkness and spend the whole time standing. I came out of SMACK and joined Prayer Palace Christian centre in Kibuye. During my S6 vacation I joined Invaders youth ministries of Kampala Pentecostal Church where I came to learn the basics of ministry. During this time of my vacation I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in April 2001. This was the time when the Lord granted me boldness to preach the gospel. Initially I was one of the most fearful boys in my school and could not even stand infront of people to speak. One of the moments I would dread most was when I would be placed in front of people and told to speak. During the vacation we used to have outreaches to schools, Mulago hospital, City square and Sheraton gardens where we would preach to individuals and to groups. During this time I made a great investment into my spiritual life by reading the Bible during almost any free time I got when I was not at church. I also read a number of Christian books. It was during that time that I read through the whole bible in 5months from January to May 2001. I would spend almost the whole week at church as I was so hungry for God. I attended almost every seminar, conference and service at KPC. During this time I also undertook a course in Evangelism Explosion which enabled me to break out in boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I started getting opportunities to share in fellowships and preach in outreaches. During this time in September 2001, I went for my first mission in Eldoret, Kenya. We were to minister in a Youth Conference, lunch hours and in schools. This was my first time to go out and preach in a foreign land.
During the vacation I developed a very strong vision to change Makerere University for Jesus when I would step there. My place in campus itself was miraculous. I was admitted on government sponsorship for surveying but my dad was determined to pay for me to join Architecture, meaning I would be a private student and non-resident. I was initially given Nkrumah hall but later changed to Lumumba when I applied for and was given Architecture on private sponsorship. By a twist of divine providence I was given 4 points as a sportsman (international chess player) and was given Architecture on government and a place in Livingstone hall. This was significant since God was preparing me for service in Livingstone.
During the first few days of joining campus I teamed up with a few friends of mine and started preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in Livingstone. In the first two weeks I had won 10 souls to Jesus Christ. In those first weeks I teamed up with a friend of mine called Andrew and we formed a vision for Campus Revival. This was a vision that propelled me to be radical for Jesus in campus. We went ahead with Andrew to preach the gospel to the warden of Livingstone and led him to the Lord. During one of the Afrostone fellowships in which we shared our Campus Revival vision, the leaders of the fellowship called us to the front and laid hands and prayed for us. This was the beginning of my rise to the top in campus ministry.
During this period in first year we established a fellowship in CCE in CC tower, a large room of 20 people. During this same time I was instrumental in promoting the Invaders Bible Study in Livingstone hall. During this semester I was approached by a committee member of Makerere University Christian Union (MUCU) who requested me to join the committee of MUCU. Incidentally I was elected as the chief fresher of Livingstone hall during my first week at campus, a position I used to expand the kingdom of God. I agreed and joined the MUCU committee. During my second year I left the committee and was requested to become the Chairperson of Livingstone hall fellowship. I held this position as Papa of Livingstone and Afrostone fellowships for two years after which I handed over.
During First year recess term we began two Bible Study groups, one of which continued into the next semester of my Second year. This was a discipleship group which continued for two years up to the end of my third year. The Bible study resumed in my fourth year second semester and is still in progress till today.
During my stay in campus, one of the most fulfilling times has been when I have gone on missions. This is usually during the holidays and most of the times I have been out of the country. I have traveled with Caring Mission ministry to Kenya and Rwanda. During these times God has taught me a lot and I have grown in my ministry and spiritual walk. I have also been on missions with campus mission groups to areas like Busia, Luweero and Hoima. During the most recent missions I have seen God heal people miraculously and fill them with the Holy Spirit. God has brought me a really long way.
During my first year I stood infront of our Architecture first year class and inquired how many were born again. I was shocked to find out that almost three quarters were saved. I began a fellowship that same week and led it for the whole of my first year after which I handed over. The fellowship is still running and now encompasses the whole Architectural department.
God has really been good to me through all this time. I have had both laughter and tears in my years at campus. One of the greatest joys I have had is to see believers growing in the Lord under my ministry. I have personally led up to 50 campusers to the Lord and seen many of them standing for Jesus till this day. There is no greater blessing than that. God called me as an Apostle and gave me a mandate to see campus turned upside down for Jesus. I have fulfilled my assignment up to this stage in my life at campus and do believe that even more capable individuals will take on the mantle when I am gone. I see the future so clear ahead of me and know that God is in control. I purpose never to be discouraged by circumstances but to boldly fight on and endure hardships as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
This is not a record of my achievements but of what God has done through me. You can venture out and do exploits for the Lord in any position He puts you. Purpose to surrender your whole life to Him and live for Him alone. Whether you are at Makerere or out in the field, let your focus be on seeking first the Kingdom of God. Stop living for yourself and start living for the One who died for you, Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:15 – “And that he (Jesus) died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.”  Find out what God has called you to do and start living that out. Ask God to show you His vision for your life. Find out your call and gifts from God. Start living out your life with a reason, to please Jesus alone. You may not need to do exactly what I did but God has prepared a distinct and special plan for your life which when fulfilled will bring you fulfillment and bring His blessings and reward upon you. God bless you abundantly.
Edward Ssewanyana
Makerere University,
Kampala, Uganda
June 6th 2005