Does God get mad when two people have sex? The answer is Yes and No. Yes when the two people are not married and No when they are married. Some people assume that God observes everything that happens within a marriage, but when the husband and wife get into bed He looks the other way and simply can’t wait till they are through with that “filthy” act and get on with more godly pursuits. Let me say it straight in your face, sex is as godly a pursuit as prayer or preaching. Notice what God tells the newly wed couple, “Drink water out of your own cistern and running water from your own well. Let your own fountain be blessed, and ENJOY THE GIRL you married when you were young, a loving doe and a graceful deer. Always LET HER BREASTS SATISFY YOU. Always be intoxicated with her love” (Pro 5:15, 18-19 GW). God tells the newly married man to enjoy the girl he married. He even goes to the extent of describing how the young man should enjoy his wife’s breasts. This clearly shows us that God has created sex for the enjoyment of a married couple. King Solomon even goes on to encourage the young man to enjoy his marriage, “Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun” (Ecc 9:9 ESV). God expects the married couple to enjoy each other throughout the days that they are going to live on this earth. This shows us that God not only created sex for reproduction purposes but also for husband and wife to show the greatest possible intimacy to one another and to enjoy life. God wants you to enjoy everyday life. He is not a God of depression, gloom and doom. He is God whose kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom 14:17). One of the ways the Holy Ghost enables you to receive this joy is having sex as a married couple. The Catholic Fathers of the first five centuries taught that sex was an evil thing and should only be engaged in by a married couple if they want to procreate or produce children. In their “chaste severity” they extolled the virtues of celibacy and degraded the gift of sex that God had placed in marriage to create an ever increasing bond between husband and wife and create joy in the home. They even went ahead to advocate that the less sex one had, the more holy he or she became. They even went ahead to set up organizations for monks, “brothers”, priests and nuns where everyone had to take the vow of celibacy. This is a manifestation of the demonic doctrine that Apostle Paul prophesied would appear in the last days, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and DOCTRINES OF DEVILS… FORBIDDING TO MARRY, and commanding to abstain from meats (foods), which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth”(1Ti 4:1-3). This is a demonic delusion which we see practiced till this day in the Roman Catholic “Church” or rather cult. God specifically singled out that the deceivers would forbid people to marry, implying that they would see sex as an evil act rather than a gift from God. Human beings were created differently from animals. Animals only have sex during a specific period of the year when they are on heat and this only for the purpose of reproduction. God did not create us like animals and even made our spirits different. God expects man to enjoy sex in the atmosphere of marriage. “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?” (Ecc 3:21). Our spirits are immortal unlike beasts and we were created in God’s image unlike beasts. Notice that God rejoices in all the works He made, “The glory of the LORD shall endure forever: the LORD shall REJOICE IN HIS WORKS” (Psa 104:31). Since we are made in God’s image, we also have the ability to rejoice in our works, not to be ashamed of the good gifts God has generously bestowed upon us.
                  God calls the marriage bed a holy bed, inspite of the fact that sex goes on in that bed. “Marriage is honorable in all, and THE BED UNDEFILED: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Heb 13:4), the writer of Hebrews clearly states that the marriage bed is undefiled. The Message version brings this thought out even more clearly, “Honor marriage, and guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy between wife and husband. God draws a firm line against casual and illicit sex” (Heb 13:4 MSG). God give us the limits for sexual relations and condemns casual and illicit sex. Satan never created anything when he was cast out of heaven. He is nothing more than a fallen angel and does not possess the creative power that God or human beings that were created in God’s image have. Satan simply twists what God created and uses it for his selfish ends of destroying mankind. We get the word wicked from the word “wick” or twisted just like the way a candle or lamp wick is twisted. Satan gets the good thing God has created and twists it out of proportion. God has created a sexual urge in every human being. He even recognizes that it is one of the human needs that should be satisfied in marriage, “If that son marries another woman, he must not deprive the first wife of food, clothes, or SEX” (Exo 21:10). This was an Old Testament law concerning Hebrew slaves and the way they should be treated when they have been married by the master’s son. God clearly commands the man who marries a second wife in addition to the first one not to deprive the first wife of her needs which include food, clothing and sex. Notice that God places her need of sex on the same level as her need for food. This may sound to be an extreme teaching to some, but you should blame God who wrote it in His word, not me.  In marriage, God expects the husband and wife not to deny each other sex, “Husbands and wives should satisfy each other’s SEXUAL NEEDS” (1Co 7:3 GW), Paul even goes ahead to warn the married couple not to deprive each other of sex and spells out the consequences of this act, “The wife does not have  [sole]  authority over her own  [physical]  body,  but the husband  [also has his right to it].  And in the same way,  the husband also does not have  [sole]  authority over his own  [physical]  body,  but the wife  [i.e.,  has her right to it,  as well]. DO NOT DEPRIVE EACH OTHER  [OF THESE MARITAL RIGHTS],  except by mutual agreement,  so that you can spend the time in prayer.  Then resume  [normal sexual]  relations again,  so Satan is not able to tempt you  [i.e.,  to have an affair]  because of your lack of self-control” (1Co 7:4-5 AUV-NT). God knows that when the husband deprives his wife or vice-versa of this need, Satan may bring a dangerous substitute in form of an adulterous relationship. This does not sound to me like God has a negative attitude towards sex when it is done His way.