This is one of the least spoken about yet most sought after topics in the body of Christ. This topic has made many to stand and criticize and many to fall. This topic is covered by many yet exposed by those who do not have proper knowledge about it. This time the veil shall be taken away and true revelation shall be manifested like never before to give you liberty in this area of life.
A story is told about a certain island on this earth. When a visitor went to this island he was having food by the seaside and was enjoying his meal. To his extreme horror, a crocodile came out of the water and bit off the arm of a man who was also having his lunch by the water. This scene extremely horrified all those by the waterside but they quickly got back to their business as if nothing had even happened. As this visitor continued his tour of the island he discovered that many of the individuals on this island had missing limbs, both arms and legs. He asked one of the locals about this and why no measures were being taken to exterminate the crocodiles. The local told him that it was improper in that island to talk about crocodiles. Because of this no action was taken to locate the dwellings of these crocodiles or to kill them. The situation of the people staying on this island may appear to be very ridiculous and extreme. However this is the exact way that the church has reacted to the topic of sex. Almost everyone reading this publication knows born again and heathen friends and relatives who have suffered great loss at the hands of this “monster” called sex. Many young girls have become pregnant and dropped out of school because of sex. Their bright future was suddenly terminated by this “monster”. Others have developed a host of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, the most deadly of which is AIDS. Every individual in Uganda has had one or more relatives being claimed by HIV/AIDS. However when believers meet in their stained glass cathedrals and sanctuaries, this is one of the least talked about issues. Your mind will be totally revolutionized as you get to know what God, the one who created sex, thinks about it.
                  Very few parents discuss about sex with their children, teachers at school also hardly mention the issue. That leaves the devil to have a field day and educate children about sex through their peers, illicit movies, the street, steamy novels and roving “Sengas”. Would a God as wise and benevolent as ours leave us in the dark concerning such a topic? Not in a million years! The word of God has more to say about sex than many have thought. Let’s look at it this way. Did God, the devil or man create sex? It was certainly not man or the devil since we know God created all things. Then since we believe that the manufacturer of a product knows the best way how you can utilize and achieve maximum benefit from his product, why wouldn’t God be able to give us the proper means of handling sex which He created?
                  “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and MULTIPLY, and replenish the earth… And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it wasVERY GOOD” (Gen 1:26-28, 31). From this scripture we see that God created them male and female. God did not create Adam and Steve, He created Adam and Eve. God did not create them to merely roam the earth but to be fruitful and multiply. This was a specific assignment from the Lord which He created them capable of fulfilling physically. This shows us that God made sex and even encouraged Adam and Eve to engage in it so as to fulfill His purpose. God did not say that He had made all things and then commented that sex was the only shameful and ugly thing he had made. Rather God looked at all His creation including sex and commented that “it was very good” (v.31). Remember that before the fall, Adam and Eve were walking naked in the garden without shame. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Gen 2:25). God did not make sex a shameful act since we see Adam and Eve freely moving about in the garden and having sex in the very presence of the Lord. The reason they were not ashamed is because the Bible does not call Adam and Eve boyfriend and girlfriend but, “the man and his wife” (v.25). Shame only came about when man yielded to the devil and ate the forbidden fruit, “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they werenaked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons”(Gen 3:7). The man and his wife only became ashamed when they believed the devil and ate the fruit from the tree of good and evil. This was the root of the shame that the devil has placed in the hearts of many, including married couples concerning a gift as beautiful and enjoyable as sex.