I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I pray all is well with you. God gave me a prophetic word for the year 2021 and He said that it is the year of Restoration, Repossession & Redemption. It is your year to recover all that the enemy has stolen and to claim the fullness of the redemption package purchased on the cross by Jesus Christ as you arise and shine. It is also your year of victory and winning in life and we write it as “202WON” (Twenty Twenty WON).


This year comes on the heels of many drastic changes that took place in 2020 including the shutting down of churches, shutting down of workplaces and the advent of the prophetic sign of pestilences as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:7. Regardless of all these situations Jesus still encourages us by saying;

John 16:33

(33)  These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.


We are not immune from the tribulations or trials that may befall this world but we remain overcomers through Jesus Christ. As Worldwide Apostolic Church we never shut down any of our church services during the so called “stay-home-stay-safe lockdown” and we have continued to have children of all ages participating in our church services to date because Jesus emphasized that little children should come to Him (Mat 19:14). This is our year to claim the redemption package of divine health because Jesus took every sickness and disease on Himself and we are healed by the stripes or lashes He took on His back (1 Pet 2:24). I encourage you to read my article “10 Reasons Why A Born Again Christian Has Dominion Over The Corona Virus” at this link >> https://bit.ly/3xfejWr << to understand the healing power of God’s word that gives us dominion over every pestilence including the Coronavirus.


As Edifire Ministries we have continued to have our church services at the headquarters and also at Entebbe on a weekly basis. We have also continued with the monthly fellowships at Gayaza and Maganjo. We shall be launching a fellowship in Kirombe (Luzira) this coming weekend and we also plan to introduce a fellowship in Seeta (Mukono) and Nakawa (MUBS) very soon. Our target is also to kick off massive open air evangelism combined with door to door ministry in these respective localities. We shall be distributing evangelistic gospel tracts as we do the evangelistic crusades and outreaches. In Gayaza we shall have a combined crusade with local churches in the area from 24th to 30th May 2021. Throughout the outreaches that shall take place in May and June we plan to distribute 20,000 gospel tracts in both English and Luganda languages. Our budget for the evangelistic outreaches stands at UGX 4,000,000 (four million Uganda Shillings) or US$ 1,100.


I encourage you to stand with the ministry in this critical end time harvest vision because the time is short and we need to reach out to win the lost at all costs. Apostle Paul asks two very important questions in regards to the end time harvest; “…and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” (Romans 10:14-15).


You can stand with us by partnering and sending out the preachers or labourers with your financial seed. We the preachers will likewise move out to preach the gospel to the lost and make heaven rejoice as lost souls are turned into the kingdom of God. Remember that the gospel is received freely by the hearers (Mat 10:8) but the preacher requires resources to reach out to the lost souls wherever and on whichever media channel they may be.


Evangelism is not an end in itself and we have plans of making disciples out of all these converts. Our vision is to set up 13,000 seater churches in the headquarters in Nakawa Division (Kampala District), Entebbe (Wakiso District) and Gayaza (Wakiso District). We believe God that construction will start this year 2021.


Now that the vision is known, God is counting on you to run with it and make it happen through your prayers and giving in due time.


Habakkuk 2:2-3

(2)  And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

(3)  For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.


What time is it? It is harvest time! I declare that as you stand with the ministry in this end time harvest of souls, the Lord shall expand your territories and make your name great just as He did with Abraham.


Yours in Christ,



Chairman Edifire Ministries,

Founder &General Overseer of Worldwide Apostolic Church


21st April 2021

Kampala, Uganda


P.O. Box 34612,

Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.

Tel: +256783300741 & +256704494005

Whatsapp: +256704494005

Telegram: t.me/edifire



E-mail: edifire@yahoo.com




Ways to Give

Your giving can be done via:


Bank Transfer:

  • Title of Account: Absa Bank Uganda Ltd, Kampala
  • Swift Code: BARCUGKX
  • Account Name: Edward, Eva & Julius
  • A/CC: 6003782016
  • Branch: Kampala Road


Mobile Money:

Also with www.worldremit.com

MTN +256 783 300 741

Airtel  +256 704 494 005





Western Union or MoneyGram :

To “Edward Ssewanyana”