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Receive Jesus Christ

The most important decision you can ever make in your life is to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Do it today!

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Read The Online Bible

God’s word is spiritual food for every believer. Now you have the opportunity to read the Bible online with our website.

Prayer Jesus bible God church preacher holy bible Christ prayer faith Jesus Christ

Share Your Prayer Requests

Write down your prayer request and our Intercessory team will agree for God to answer you at your point of need in Jesus’ name!

Apostle Edward Edifire Jesus bible God church preacher holy bible Christ prayer faith Jesus Christ
Apostle Edward Ssewanyana

I welcome you to the Edifire Ministries and Worldwide Apostolic Church (WAC) website. I believe you will be edified and spiritually uplifted through this online platform. Our vision as a ministry includes both Evangelism and Discipleship. If you are not yet a born again Christian you can take a step to receive Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of your life today. If you are a believer, then feel free to join us for powerful services at WAC in Kampala-Uganda and participate in one of the ministries to play your part in the Body of Christ. If you are not within a close geographic vicinity to one of our branch churches, you can still participate through joining the Partnership Ministry. Be blessed in Jesus’ mighty name!

Vision Jesus bible God church preacher holy bible Christ prayer faith Jesus Christ
Moving Towards Vision 3-13
Partnership Jesus bible God church preacher holy bible Christ prayer faith Jesus Christ
Sound Equipment Fundraising
Events Jesus bible God church preacher holy bible Christ prayer faith Jesus Christ
Church Activities & Events

And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

2 Timothy 2:2 KJV

Grab your free e-book “The Power of Faith” by Smith Wigglesworth. 

The Power of Faith Smith Wigglesworth worldwide apostolic church